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University of Ghana (Ghana) was established in 1948 as the University College of the Gold Coast on the suggestion of the Asquith Commission, on Higher Education in the then British states. The Asquith Commission, which was set up in 1943 to explore Higher Education, prescribed in addition to other things, the setting up of University Colleges in relationship with the University of London. This was caught up by various separate Commissions in various districts. The West Africa Commission was under the Chairmanship of the Rt. Hon. Walter Elliot.

The Elliot Commission distributed a dominant part report which prescribed the foundation of two University Colleges in the Gold Coast (Ghana) and Nigeria, and a minority report which held that one and only University College for the entire of British West Africa was doable. The British Government at initially acknowledged the minority report of the Elliot Commission and chose that a University College for the entire of British West Africa ought to be set up at Ibadan in Nigeria. Be that as it may, the general population of the Gold Coast couldn't acknowledge this suggestion. Driven by the researcher and legislator, the late Dr. J.B. Danquah, they encouraged the Gold Coast Government to educate the British Government that the Gold Coast could bolster a University College. The British Government appropriately surveyed its choice and consented to the foundation of the University College of the Gold Coast.

The University College of the Gold Coast was established by Ordinance on August 11, 1948 with the end goal of accommodating and advancing college training, learning and research. Its first Principal was the late Mr. David Mowbray Balme. Mr. Balme was far-located, valiant and committed to the advancement of grant. By his vision, industry and resolve of reason, he manufactured a school and established the frameworks for a sound University which is currently a wellspring of pride. In his ten years of Principalship, he made a foundation whose key-note was efficient living with poise in a group of researchers.

One of the suggestions of the Asquith Commission was that the British Government ought to set up an Inter-Universities Council to exhort on all matters identifying with Higher Education in the new British Colonies. The Inter-Universities Council served the new University College of the Gold Coast in a consultative limit, yet it affirmed every single scholarly arrangement. This plan offered the College to keep up the high scholarly models some assistance with associating with the Universities in Britain. Likewise, it empowered the College to look for backing of the Council in acquiring reserves from the United Kingdom Government sources.

From its origin, the University College of the Gold Coast was admitted to the Scheme of Special Relationship stretched out by the University of London to certain English and abroad University Colleges. Under this plan, the University College was permitted to instruct for the outside degree examinations of London University. It additionally permitted the College to change the London syllabuses to suit neighborhood conditions and to join in the setting and stamping of examinations.

In any case, London University gave last endorsement to courses and examinations since the degrees given were those of the University of London. For a long time, in this manner, the University College admired two separate organizations in Great Britain: to the Inter-Universities Council for direction on its wide arrangement, and to the University of London for endorsement and control of points of interest of degree regulations. The University College profited enormously from this course of action which absolutely kept up its high scholastic guidelines.

In the 1960-61 scholarly year, the College Council made a solicitation to the Government of Ghana for enactment to constitute the University College into a University with the ability to honor its own degrees. The Government delegated an International Commission to look at the issue. On the suggestions of that Commission, the University of Ghana was set up by an Act of Parliament on October 1, 1961.


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